The See See were part of a swirly psy­che­delia night at The Lex­ing­ton on Pen­tonville Road two years ago, and they par­tic­u­lar­ly caught my atten­tion. (Also mem­o­rable were Cana­di­an band Ele­phant Stone whose music is enriched with Rishi Dhir’s mes­meris­ing sitar play­ing). Fast for­ward two years and we were back at The Lex­ing­ton last week for The See See’s return.

The See See sing

I don’t remem­ber them sound­ing quite this good. This is a psy­che­del­ic-dri­ven sound with­out fey, flow­ery over­tones, it’s raw and rip­ply, as it should be, but there’s a mus­cu­lar ele­ment to it, some­thing hard­er edged. Some­thing that defines it from this era.

The See SeeUplift­ing track Gold and Hon­ey encap­su­lates the bands feel-good ele­ments – sup­ple, dri­ving, jan­g­ly gui­tars and strong riffs – all over­laid with echoey har­monies with a breezy Beach Boys style touch.

The Rain & The Snow is a beau­ti­ful lan­guid, wist­ful bal­lad which fus­es gui­tar, organ and vocals. The har­monies are again rich and echoey in a nod to The Yarbirds and Zom­bies era.

If there’s one issue with The See See’s music, it’s that some of their songs are over too quick­ly. The band real­ly get going in the instru­men­tal sec­tions, draw­ing you into the com­plex rip­pling inter­play of gui­tars. But just as you’ve meld­ed your brain with the music and moved off into anoth­er plane, the song goes into its final flour­ish­es and comes to a halt. The frame­work of a 5‑minute song isn’t ade­quate to do this band jus­tice. To put it anoth­er way, I was enjoy­ing them so much that I did­n’t want their songs to end.


Penul­ti­mate num­ber is And I won­der from the bands first CD released in 2011, Late Morn­ing Light. It’s a coun­try style bal­lad over­laid with Shad­ows-esque guitar.

I bought their lat­est CD Fonteyne Moun­tain at the gig and haven’t stopped play­ing it since. The band are tour­ing in Spain lat­er this year, but here’s hop­ing they get them­selves onto the line­ups of some UK fes­ti­vals this sum­mer, they deserve a much wider audience.


WHO: The See See, Kel­ley Stoltz
WHEN: March 5, 2014
WHERE: The Lex­ing­ton, London
TICKETS: £6 approx

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