The dream-pop band She’s In Par­ties have had a great year so far with appear­ances at Live at Leeds, Board­mas­ters, Lat­i­tude, Truck, Ten­e­ment Trail and The Great Escape First Fifty show­case to being longlist­ed for this year’s Glas­ton­bury Emerg­ing Com­pe­ti­tion. And now there’s a run of live per­for­mances this month, see below. The band start­ing with a sup­port slot with Bleach Lab on the 6th Nov and end­ing with two head­line dates in cel­e­bra­tion of the release of their debut EP End Scene.

The EP shows She’s In Par­ties’ fresh, dis­tinc­tive shoegaze sound in all its glo­ry. We love their track Rit­u­al, all jan­g­ly gui­tars and wist­ful vocals. End Scene is all about fig­ur­ing life out, and the mood changes from song to song reflect that sen­ti­ment. A jour­ney of char­ac­ter growth. From rela­tion­ships, to men­tal health issues and drug-induced para­noia, End Scene has all of the com­po­nents a teen film sound­track could need.

Live Dates
06/11 – Hare & Hounds, Birm­ing­ham *
07/11 – The Bode­ga Social Club, Not­ting­ham *
08/11 – Can­vas, Man­ches­ter *
10/11 – Stereo, Glas­gow *
11/11 – Dis­trict, Liv­er­pool *
12/11 – Bru­denell Social Club, Leeds *
15/11 – Rough Trade, Bris­tol ^
16/11 – Prince Albert, Brighton ^
* Bleach Lab sup­port ^ Headline

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