Film Ate­lier is a small venue in Cat­ford – a cafe with its own recipe teas, a dark room/film devel­op­ment stu­dio, an art gallery and con­cert venue. Unfor­tu­nate­ly it is to close short­ly. I can’t stand to hear of yet anoth­er venue clos­ing. But here we are – again. 

There is to be a farewell con­cert on the 17th Novem­ber with elec­tron­ic artists RJ – who runs the venue – and TDC Tunes host­ing a con­cert. TDC Tunes has played at Film Ate­lier before and loved the unusu­al musi­cal instru­ments dis­played in the venue.

TDC Tunes describes the farewell con­cert: “A Fri­day night eclec­tic elec­tron­ic music con­cert fus­ing my array of mod­u­lar synths and playable cop­per ket­tles with RJ’s unusu­al acoustic string instru­ments includ­ing: the viol da gam­ba; the elec­tric pear shaped lute, 2 string fid­dle, an ancient Tang Dynasty dou­ble reed instru­ment called the guanzi and the wooden/alto flutes.

It’s on 17th Novem­ber at The Film Ate­lier, 314 San­g­ley Road, LONDON, SE6 2JT.

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