Sparks release a new video for The Exis­ten­tial Threat to coin­cide with the phys­i­cal release of their lat­est album A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip.

Cre­at­ed by the ani­ma­tor Cyr­i­ak, known for his sub­ver­sive and sur­re­al work, the video pre­mieres today.

Said Sparks broth­ers Ron and Rus­sell Mael of the video: “The incred­i­bly man­ic and over­whelm­ing nature of the exis­ten­tial threats that are fac­ing all of us nowa­days and our reac­tion to those threats, expressed musi­cal­ly and lyri­cal­ly in our song The Exis­ten­tial Threat, are bril­liant­ly demon­strat­ed in the fright­en­ing and beau­ti­ful video for the song by Cyriak.”

Speak­ing about the process Cyr­i­ak said “When I was asked to make a music video for Sparks I could hard­ly believe it. They sent me the whole of their new album to choose from, and there was this one song that imme­di­ate­ly stood out – The Exis­ten­tial Threat. Not only did the music fit per­fect­ly with my ani­ma­tion style, the sub­ject of exis­ten­tial dread is some­thing I have been fas­ci­nat­ed by for as long as I can remem­ber. It was like I could see the whole video inside my head as I lis­tened to the song.”

The album A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip has been get­ting plen­ty of BBC Radio 6 air­play and it’s up there on my top albums for the year list. Writ­ten well before any hint of the cur­rent Coro­na cri­sis, the songs (and not just the time­ly final num­ber Please Don’t Fuck Up my World) exude a sense of a need for a glob­al rethink and rebal­ance. The broth­ers Mael may be irri­tat­ed by mod­ern life but they express these feel­ings with humour, wit and flair. Such as in the song iPhone which needs no fur­ther comment.

‘A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip’ was released dig­i­tal­ly on May 15th and is now also released on CD, vinyl and cassette.

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