Sparks fans have plen­ty to be hap­py about in 2025. The broth­ers Ron and Rus­sell Mael have a new sin­gle out and there’s news about a tour and album to come.

Tick­ets go on gen­er­al sale on Fri­day 7th Feb­ru­ary. Pre­sales start Wednes­day 5th February.

Sparks new sin­gle is called Do Things My Own Way – by way of intro­duc­ing their 28th stu­dio album, MAD!. It will be released this year on new label Trans­gres­sive Records. The sin­gle is some­what of a man­i­festo for the duo as Sparks have always done things their own way

Sparks wowed fans on their incred­i­ble 2023 tour – includ­ing shows at London’s Roy­al Albert Hall and Glas­ton­bury. This June they com­mence with the Japan­ese, UK and Euro­pean legs of their next world tour.

Rather than slow down as age takes its toll, the duo’s rate of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty has sped up and since the mil­le­ni­um there have been eight stu­dio albums (includ­ing, in 2024, the orig­i­nal Sparks 2013 album record­ing of Annette), a radio opera (The Seduc­tion Of Ing­mar Bergman), a side-project (Franz Fer­di­nand col­lab­o­ra­tion, ‘FFS’), a live album, a film musi­cal – 2021’s Annette. They have been the sub­ject of The Sparks Broth­ers, an acclaimed doc­u­men­tary by Edgar Wright.

Ron and Rus­sell have also writ­ten a new musi­cal epic, titled X‑Crucior, cur­rent­ly in devel­op­ment and will be direct­ed by John Woo.

08/06/2025, Japan, Kyoto, ROHM The­atre
10/06/2025, Japan, Osa­ka, Zepp Nam­ba
12/06/2025, Japan, Tokyo, EX The­ater
13/06/2025, Japan, Tokyo, EX The­ater
18/06/2025, UK, Lon­don, Even­tim Apol­lo
19/06/2025, UK, Lon­don, Even­tim Apol­lo
21/06/2025, UK, Man­ches­ter, O2 Apol­lo
22/06/2025, UK, Man­ches­ter, O2 Apol­lo
24/06/2025, UK, Glas­gow, Roy­al Con­cert Hall
26/06/2025, Nether­lands, Haar­lem, PHIL Haar­lem
28/06/2025, Bel­gium, Brus­sels, Cirque Roy­al 
30/06/2025, France, Paris, La Salle Pleyel
01/07/2025, Ger­many, Cologne, Glo­ria-The­ater
03/07/2025, Den­mark, Copen­hagen, The Kon­certhuset
04/07/2025, Swe­den, Stock­holm, Grona Lund Tivoli 
06/07/2025, Ger­many, Berlin, Uber Eats
08/07/2025, Italy, Milan, Teatro degli Arcimboldi

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