Magnetic Skies album launch, Palindrones support at venue 229 photo gallery

Mag­net­ic Skies’ vinyl album launch for their first album Empire Falling, took place at venue 229 Lon­don, based at Great Port­land Street. With synth-rich anthemic tracks that radi­ate an emo­tion­al land­scape from eupho­ria to dark­ness, the band’s tracks are enhanced by pow­er­ful synths and Simon Ken­t’s vocal prowess.  The band opened with Fad­ing Lights, following…

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A Moonless Night album and film by Snowapple

The women-led col­lec­tive Snowap­ple has been on cre­ative over­drive this year, now releas­ing an album and film project called A Moon­less Night. Inter­na­tion­al in mem­bers and in out­look, Snowap­ple has been togeth­er since 2013, with a pro­lif­ic out­put that has seen them involved with a mul­ti­tude of projects: move­ment, the­atre, mime, pup­petry, music, singing, poetry,…

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Beans on Toast ode to Todmorden: The Golden Lion

Beans on Toast has just released a track called The Gold­en Lion from his upcom­ing stu­dio album The Tooth­paste and The Tube, due for release on Decem­ber 1st. I’m sure you don’t want to start think­ing about Christ­mas dur­ing this late sum­mer heat­wave but this could be the per­fect present for some lucky soul on…

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Anna Demetriou album launch ‘More To This’ 12th May

Singer and actress Anna Demetri­ou launch­es her debut album More To This on 12th May. A hand­ful of sin­gles are out already, high­light­ing the dis­tinc­tive and expres­sive voice behind the com­po­si­tions. Anna unveiled I Can’t Wait in 2021 fol­lowed by Twice The Breath, with accom­pa­ny­ing video. She fol­lowed with the album’s title track More To…

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Mark Harrison presents new album The Road to Liberty

The Mark Har­ri­son Band have just launched their sixth album called The Road to Lib­er­ty. I met Mark at Eal­ing Blues Fes­ti­val a few years ago where I talked to him after his set. He was charm­ing and patient­ly chat­ted to a few of us for quite some time, dis­cussing the beau­ti­ful Nation­al Res­onator guitar…

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The Besnard Lakes launch their redemptive new album

The Besnard Lakes don’t make things easy for them­selves, pub­lic­i­ty wise. The new album which launched on Jan­u­ary 2021, The Besnard Lakes are The Last of the Great Thun­der­storm Warn­ings isn’t a title that fits neat­ly into social media posts, as well they know. But the Cana­di­an out­fit don’t par­tic­u­lar­ly care – noth­ing is going…

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Kinbote album release: Shifting Distance

Kin­bote – oth­er­wise known as found-sound sam­pling glitch-pop pro­duc­er Matt Gibb – released a quirky and intrigu­ing sin­gle called Hiemalis in the sum­mer, reviewed on Gourmet Gigs. And on 4th Decem­ber he launched his album called Shift­ing Dis­tance. The cov­er of Shift­ing Dis­tance fea­tures slices of scenery, tan­ta­lis­ing but unable to be grasped and expe­ri­enced in…

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