Kinbote – otherwise known as found-sound sampling glitch-pop producer Matt Gibb – released a quirky and intriguing single called Hiemalis in the summer, reviewed on Gourmet Gigs. And on 4th December he launched his album called Shifting Distance.
The cover of Shifting Distance features slices of scenery, tantalising but unable to be grasped and experienced in their entirety. And so it is with the album itself, which is akin to sampling fragments of something, elements from dreams and remembered experiences. Indeed this new work took a year to write and was finished during lockdown at a time when Matt was preoccupied with thoughts about distance.
The opening track Coins with Little Holes in Them is a woozy piece with what sounds like an arcade game and a fairground organ rattling along in the background. It was actually recorded when Matt was living opposite a casino with slot machines.
Shifting Distance
Kinbote gathers seemingly disparate elements which might, on paper, not look like a workable thing, but he makes it happen. The resulting tracks are an intriguing mix of playful, wistful and occasionally melancholic. Sometimes you feel like you’re listening to something going on in an adjacent room.
And there’s a strong visual quality to it all, especially with those elements which evoke feelings of nostalgia. Matt’s “broken charity shop Yamaha keyboard on ‘toy piano’ setting” is a case in point.
The latest single (On a String) has, as Matt says, “a lot going on” but he manages to keep it seamless. Passing Through a North Facing Window is very glitchy and I find it oddly soothing, considering it was originally called ‘quarantine’ and was made right as we all went into lockdown.
Shifting Distance was released by Lost Map Records on limited edition CD‑R and via digital services on December 4, 2020