Daylight music: coffee, cakes and one hot chip

Gigs dur­ing the day­time are such a great idea. Instead of the usu­al beers and warm white wine, at an event run by Day­light Music you can enjoy a cup of tea, deli­cious home made cakes, plus quiche and sausage rolls – there’s also a selec­tion of chil­dren’s drinks too. Then spend a cou­ple of…

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SDF new single European Bar, a dreamy wonderland

The artists on Lost Map Records rep­re­sent a diverse range of gen­res but nev­er­the­less are unit­ed by their strong cre­ative vision. Base camp is the wild island of Eigg, where the label’s own­er, John­ny Lynch, aka Pic­tish Trail, nur­tures and encour­ages his ros­ter of musi­cians.  And in this vein, pop and dis­co trio SDF’s captivating…

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Kinbote album release: Shifting Distance

Kin­bote – oth­er­wise known as found-sound sam­pling glitch-pop pro­duc­er Matt Gibb – released a quirky and intrigu­ing sin­gle called Hiemalis in the sum­mer, reviewed on Gourmet Gigs. And on 4th Decem­ber he launched his album called Shift­ing Dis­tance. The cov­er of Shift­ing Dis­tance fea­tures slices of scenery, tan­ta­lis­ing but unable to be grasped and expe­ri­enced in…

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Alabaster dePlume and music to heal the soul

Alabaster dePlume new release To Cy & Lee: Instru­men­tals Vol 1 on Lost Map Records in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Chi­ca­­go-based avant-jazz label Inter­na­tion­al Anthem and the Total Refresh­ment Cen­tre in Lon­don. I had to check if this was the same Alabaster dePlume who sang a cou­ple of humor­ous songs at a Union Chapel day­time ses­sion I attend­ed. Although there could­n’t…

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Firestations release Small Island ahead of EP Automatic Tendencies

There’s a new sin­gle just out by alt-pop band Firesta­tions, called Small Island. The track is tak­en from their upcom­ing EP, due to be released on Novem­ber 6th on the Lost Map label. Small Island is the first instal­ment of a new mul­ti-EP project titled Auto­mat­ic Ten­den­cies – the first of three EPs set to be released digitally…

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Review: new Kinbote single Hiemalis on Lost Map

We always pay atten­tion here at Gourmet Gigs when­ev­er Lost Map Records announces a new release. It is run by John­ny Lynch aka Pic­tish Trail from his remote island home in Eigg in the High­lands and, apart from sound­ing like a very appeal­ing loca­tion, the label nev­er dis­ap­point with its eclec­tic and quirky range of…

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