Top albums, EPs & singles of 2024

This has been an excep­tion­al year for new releas­es of all gen­res with per­haps a lean­ing towards shoegaze/­­dream-pop on this list. Bill Ryder-Jones got the year off to a great start with the inspired Iechyd Da while Father John Misty’s Mahash­mashana slipped in as a late Novem­ber clos­er and is per­haps my album of the year.…

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Top albums, EPs and songs for 2020

Let’s go with the pos­i­tive. This year there has been a pletho­ra of amaz­ing new music from artists both well estab­lished and emerg­ing. For many peo­ple, lis­ten­ing to music has been a life­line to turn to in these trou­bled times. And with lock­down, some have been able to redis­cov­er the plea­sure of play­ing an album…

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Doves thrill their fans with long-awaited new songs

There was a Twit­ter account for Doves fans a few years called some­thing like @Dovespleasegettogetheragain (it’s no longer live, hav­ing suc­cess­ful­ly done its job). It was a place where the Doves-bereft could share their heart­break and hope­ful­ly jog the trio back into action.  And lo, in 2019, it hap­pened – as Doves head­ed out to…

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Heavenly weekender at The Trades, Hebden Bridge

The Heav­en­ly Week­ender has been post­poned and will take place the week­end of 11th Decem­ber. Bax­ter Dury to per­form in Octo­ber. Please refer to pos­si­ble changes on the Trades web­site So far on the line­up are Doves, Bax­ter Dury, Cher­ry Ghost, Con­fi­dence Man, Katy J Pear­son, Raf Run­dell and Heav­en­ly Juke­box DJs. Gourmet­gigs was at the…

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Review: Bearded Theory 2019

Fes­ti­val sea­son kicks off again with Beard­ed The­o­ry at Cat­ton Hall. As always it’s a musi­cal­ly diverse, friend­ly and spir­it­ed event

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Kendal Calling lineup!

KENDAL CALLING ANNOUNCES HUGE LINEUP FOR 2019 Courte­neers, Doves, Man­ic Street Preach­ers, Nile Rodgers & Chic and Orbital to head­line. They’ll be joined by Tom Jones, Years & Years, Ger­ry Cin­na­mon, Miles Kane, The Fratel­lis, Gomez, Idles, KT Tun­stall, Mys­tery Jets, SlowThai, The Sub­ways and Nina Nes­bitt.  There are four incred­i­ble days of music, arts, comedy…

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