She’s In Parties with debut EP ‘End Scene’ and gigs

The dream-pop band She’s In Par­ties have had a great year so far with appear­ances at Live at Leeds, Board­mas­ters, Lat­i­tude, Truck, Ten­e­ment Trail and The Great Escape First Fifty show­case to being longlist­ed for this year’s Glas­ton­bury Emerg­ing Com­pe­ti­tion. And now there’s a run of live per­for­mances this month, see below. The band start­ing with a sup­port slot with Bleach Lab on the…

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Richard Walters unveils ‘Long Way Down’ ahead of solo album ‘Murmurate’

It’s hard to keep up with Richard Wal­ters. The artist is known for work­ing solo and col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly and he’s also a pro­lif­ic song­writer. He is prob­a­bly best known for his works as one third of the group LYR with Poet Lau­re­ate Simon Armitage plus Patrick Pear­son. They released their sec­ond album The Ultra­vi­o­let Age in…

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No talking please, I’m listening to the band

I post­ed this in 2017 but its mes­sage sad­ly rings truer than ever. “This is a place for music lovers. If you want to talk to your friends when the bands are on, please use the oth­er bar.” The above sign is plas­tered promi­nent­ly on the venue door at The Trades in Heb­den Bridge, York­shire, one of…

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Independent Venue Week: check out your local

Shake off the flu, ease up on dry Jan­u­ary and get out to a gig this week – all in order to sup­port Inde­pen­dent Venue Week, which takes place between Mon­day 23 – Sun­day 29 Jan­u­ary.  148 venues around the UK are tak­ing part in IVW this year. The project, which is staged nation­al­ly but retains a strong…

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