Kaleidoscope festival 2024 photo gallery

Pho­tos from Kalei­do­scope fes­ti­val at Alexan­dra Palace and Park, north Lon­don. ‘R’ Voic­es Choir, Huey Mor­gan the Fun Lovin’ Crim­i­nal, Antony Szmierek, The Go! Team, Soul II Soul, Min­istry of Sound Clas­si­cal. At the Fringe Stage, Bri­an Blessed enter­tained the crowds. At Cloud 10, Kalei­do­scope’s dance are­na at the top of the Palace, pic­tured are…

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Best festival guide for 2024

Sum­mer is breath­ing its last, and we’re near­ly at the end of out­door fes­ti­val sea­son. We’re com­pil­ing our autumn and win­ter fes­ti­val guide to pro­vide inspi­ra­tion and joy dur­ing the cold­er months.  Mucky Week­ender 5–7 Sep­tem­ber Tak­ing place at ‘Vic­arage Farm’, Win­ches­ter, Mucky Week­ender’s fifth edi­tion fea­tures five music stages with dub, ska, reg­gae, jungle,…

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Festivals through summer and beyond

Fes­ti­val sea­son has moved into high gear. Sev­er­al have sold out (Green Man, Kendal Call­ing and Beau­ti­ful Days to name just three – and Ral­ly is close to sell­ing out) but there’s still over­all plen­ty of choice. Our list includes sev­er­al met­ro­pol­i­tan (non camp­ing) shindigs too, right into Sep­tem­ber. If you’re des­per­ate to attend a…

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Best festivals for 2023: the list

Ahh fes­ti­val sea­son! It’s not long now and we can’t wait. Here’s our fes­ti­val cal­en­dar for the sum­mer. All of those fea­tured still have lim­it­ed tick­ets avail­able. Peo­ple may be being a bit care­ful due the cost of liv­ing cri­sis but sales are nonethe­less healthy, so if there’s a fes­ti­val you’ve got your eye on,…

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Our best festivals for 2022

We LOVE com­pil­ing this list each year. And it feels par­tic­u­lar­ly lib­er­at­ing to almost be back to ‘busi­ness as usu­al’ on the fes­ti­val front – plus some new and expand­ed events are going ahead, mean­ing those in charge of the fes­ti­val purse strings are con­fi­dent we’re head­ing back in the fields this sum­mer. So here’s…

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Review: Kaleidoscope festival at Alexandra Palace

There was a pal­pa­ble feel­ing of excite­ment in the air as peo­ple made their way up to Alexan­dra Palace for Kalei­do­scope fes­ti­val on Sat­ur­day 25th July. For many starved rev­ellers, this was the first occa­sion for well over a year that they were head­ing out to a fes­ti­val, this was lib­er­a­tion.  Every­one came with the…

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London day festivals happening this summer

It’s not been an easy sum­mer for fes­ti­vals, and each week brings fur­ther can­cel­la­tions. The good news is that a sur­feit of one-day music events is hap­pen­ing in Lon­don’s var­i­ous green spaces. Most fes­ti­vals have reached their final tick­et release, so if you’ve got your eye on some­thing, best snap those tick­ets up with­out fur­ther ado.…

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Back to the fields: festivals for 2021

Our fes­ti­val piece looks a lit­tle dif­fer­ent this year. It’s been a dif­fi­cult and rather har­row­ing task putting it togeth­er as many have decid­ed – and are still decid­ing – to can­cel, main­ly due to the lack of Gov­­ern­­ment-backed covid insur­ance. Oper­at­ing on a knife edge is every­day stuff for fes­ti­val organ­is­ers, but this is…

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