Firestations UK tour after latest album release

Dream-pop band Firesta­tions released their fifth album called Thick Ter­rain on July 14th on Lost Map, on lim­it­ed-edi­­tion 12” vinyl and dig­i­tal plat­forms. The album is a “clear-eyed and bold state­ment, deft­ly com­bin­ing big ideas with pop sen­si­bil­i­ties in a cap­ti­vat­ing way”. And you can catch Firesta­tions live, start­ing 30th August (venues and dates below). Thick Ter­rain is…

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Clémentine March releases single called Silence

An unusu­al and arrest­ing song from Lon­­don-based French singer song­writer Clé­men­tine March is avail­able now: if you’re hav­ing a fraz­zled moment I would sug­gest a lis­te­nas this may pro­vide a moment of calm. With the rhythm of a dreamy waltz and a gen­tle gui­tar, Silence is the lat­est track to be shared from Clémentine’s forth­com­ing new…

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Dance music from a bothy: Makeness on the Lost Map label

Fans of Pic­tish Trail will no doubt be aware of the artist and his band’s adopt­ed home of Eigg, a remote Hebridean island. John­ny Lynch (aka Pic­tish Trail) invites and encour­ages artists to share in this stark and wild land­scape, away from the stress­es of city life, and equal­ly share in the abil­i­ty to be…

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Firestations: new single Reflection Spells

First rec­om­men­da­tion of the year: a sin­gle out in late Decem­ber by a band we’ve fol­lowed since their ear­ly days, the Lon­don based out­fit, Firesta­tions. The cap­ti­vat­ing new track called Reflec­tion Spells exhibits all those dis­tinc­tive ele­ments that the band are known for: reflec­tive dream pop charm with the sooth­ing har­monies of Mike Cran­ny and…

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Review: new Kinbote single Hiemalis on Lost Map

We always pay atten­tion here at Gourmet Gigs when­ev­er Lost Map Records announces a new release. It is run by John­ny Lynch aka Pic­tish Trail from his remote island home in Eigg in the High­lands and, apart from sound­ing like a very appeal­ing loca­tion, the label nev­er dis­ap­point with its eclec­tic and quirky range of…

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Lost Map: Pictish Trail Daylight Music at Union Chapel

The Day­light Music ses­sions at Union Chapel in Isling­ton are gen­tle, pay-what-you-like lunchtime con­certs with tea and cake. There are around 30 ses­sions per year. This Sat­ur­day was the turn of artists on the Lost Map record label run from the remote Hebridean island of Eigg by John­ny Lynch, who per­forms as Pic­tish Trail. Lynch and…

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