Gourmet Gigs – favourite albums, EPs and singles of 2023

These are our favourite releas­es of 2023 – most­ly albums with a smat­ter­ing of EPs and sin­gles too, from folk to elec­tron­i­ca. The most mov­ing album of the year is the emo­tion­al Slow­dive release Every­thing is Alive. There are a few albums we did­n’t have time to include, one being False Lankum: those drone sounds…

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Hang Out with Pale Blue Eyes

The indie pop band Pale Blue Eyes have seen their star rise astro­nom­i­cal­ly over the past year – right­ly so – and Hang Out, the new sin­gle from their upcom­ing sec­ond album (Sep­tem­ber, folks) called ‘This House’ is yet again proof that they are on the right track. Hang Out – the sec­ond share from…

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Bearded Theory 2023 review

Well it’s all change for Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val this year. The three ami­gos who brought it to life have final­ly hung up their beards and sold on the favourite Mid­lands fest. And this is its first prop­er year under the new ban­ner of DHP Fam­i­ly. No doubt the new team know they have a very…

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Bearded Theory photo gallery Friday and Saturday

Yard Act and Anna Calvi plus Flog­ging Mol­ly, Coach Par­ty and She Drew the Gun gave it their all on the Pal­let (main) stage. Pale Blue Eyes played on the new Mead­ow Stage for a great per­for­mance on Sat­ur­day after­noon. William the Con­queror played a Fri­day eve set on the Wood­land stage. Mud­dy Sum­mers opened…

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Pale Blue Eyes second album “This House”

Pale Blue Eyes are about to launch their sec­ond album, release date is set for 1st Sep­tem­ber. Called ‘This House”, on Full Time Hob­by, it alludes to the one you’ll spot on the album’s front cov­er, the child­hood home of the trio’s vocal­ist and gui­tarist, Matt Board. Defined by clo­sure and mov­ing on, This House…

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Pale Blue Eyes: new track ‘More’ and a tour

Devon three-piece band Pale Blue Eyes are on a roll. Hav­ing toured last year, part­ly as sup­port for Pub­lic Ser­vice Broad­cast­ing and for The Besnard Lakes, they are out on the road again in 2023 with some sold-out dates already.  Hot on the heels of their stel­lar debut album Sou­venirs comes new sin­gle More. It’s…

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Albums of the year 2022

Look­ing over our choic­es for albums of the year, sev­er­al fea­ture dreams, frac­tured mem­o­ries in an ambi­ent set­ting… artists search­ing for clues from the past to help them make sense of the present. Per­haps it’s a post Covid thing, as we escaped our con­fines and moved war­i­ly, or rushed glad­ly, out into open spaces again,…

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Pale Blue Eyes share Star Vehicle ahead of album launch

I first heard Pale Blue Eyes ear­li­er this year when they released a sin­gle called Dr Pong – an addic­tive, chunky, upbeat num­ber some­what rem­i­nis­cent of Djan­go Djan­go, that instant­ly had me excit­ed­ly rootling around to check out the rest of their mate­r­i­al. Oh – and the song’s about play­ing table ten­nis all night in…

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