Interview: Anna Demetriou – from movies to music

Anna Demetri­ou is an estab­lished actress who starred in the film Viking Des­tiny. Along­side her act­ing career she has been writ­ing her own songs and now, with the help of pro­duc­er Tom E Mor­ri­son, is launch­ing her singing career. What prompt­ed your move into music? Was this a dream you’ve been har­bour­ing for a while?…

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Interview: Bliss are back with a tour and re-release

Bliss are back. First there was the stun­ning per­for­mance at Nam­buc­ca in north Lon­don ear­li­er this year, with for­mer mem­bers Rachel Mor­ri­son and Tom E Mor­ri­son on top form – along with their new Brazil­ian band. Fired up with enthu­si­asm after such a great response, the cou­ple have been hard at work mak­ing things happen.…

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Review: Bliss at Nambucca, north London

When the ele­ments come togeth­er and the stars per­fect­ly align, you have to take full advan­tage of the moment. Such is the sit­u­a­tion Rachel Mor­ri­son and Tom Mor­ri­son found them­selves in ear­li­er this year: a chance encounter with a group of Brazil­ian musi­cians pro­vid­ed the ide­al com­bi­na­tion to rein­vent Bliss, the band that she so…

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Blue Zoo: new songs and a new direction

Eight­ies band Blue Zoo got back togeth­er in 2010 with ‘unfin­ished busi­ness’ as far as their old mate­r­i­al was con­cerned. Now the band are shak­ing off the past and mov­ing for­ward with new mate­r­i­al set for immi­nent release plus live dates on the cal­en­dar.  The band still com­pris­es front man Andy O, with drum­mer Mick­ey Spar­row and bass play­er Mike Ansell. In 2013…

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