Northum­ber­land singer-song­writer The Ear­ly Pur­ple (Matt Sax­on) has just released new sin­gle Sum­mer Hide, tak­en from his debut EP out 12 May. To cel­e­brate there’s a home­town show in New­cas­tle in May and hope­ful­ly more to fol­low around the country.

The song opens beau­ti­ful­ly: shim­mer­ing, plucked gui­tar strings lead­ing into Mat­t’s wist­ful vocals. It’s rem­i­nis­cent of CSN&Y and cre­ates a hazy, syl­van aura. Sum­mer Hide is a rich and melo­di­ous lofi track which sees Matt muse on the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of being out­doors, and the solace that can be found out in nature.

Fea­tur­ing mem­bers of The Ear­ly Purple’s live band Matt Hardy (drums/percussion) and Mark Broughton (keys), the track also fea­tures Matt’s broth­er Daniel (bass) as well as a host of friends and local musi­cians includ­ing Will Thor­n­ey­croft (harmonium/keys/guitar), Stu Walkin­shaw (gui­tar) and Sarah Baron (vocals). 

Sum­mer Hide was pro­duced by long-time col­lab­o­ra­tor Will Thor­n­ey­croft (The Dawdler, Fax Machine, Love­ly Assis­tant) and record­ed in Win­ter 2022 between Blank Stu­dios in New­cas­tle, Matt’s house in Lynemouth and Will’s House in Whit­ley Bay. 

The sub­ject mat­ter deals with intense­ly per­son­al and at times philo­soph­i­cal sub­ject mat­ter. Says Matt: “I’m writ­ing about things that are incred­i­bly mean­ing­ful to me. A lot of the EP is inspired by my Dad (who sad­ly passed away in 2020), but it’s pret­ty oblique so peo­ple won’t lis­ten and think: ‘this guy is writ­ing about his old man’. A lot of the songs are actu­al­ly quite mis­er­able, but I like to think I’m quite an opti­mistic person.” 

An active mem­ber of the North East music scene for over a decade, he released his first sin­gle as The Ear­ly Pur­ple last year: Old Eagle gained air­play on BBC 6 Music and BBC Introducing. 

Since 2021 Matt has host­ed ‘Hide & Speak’ pod­cast, chat­ting to a range of spe­cial guests whilst bird-watch­ing in hides across rur­al Northum­ber­land. Sam Fend­er, Richard Daw­son, Brooke Ben­tham and more have featured.

Web­site : The Ear­ly Pur­ple / Facebook

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