Simone Felice is spellbinding at St Giles-in-the-Fields church

It’s the fourth of July, we’re at St Giles-in-the-Fields Church, and Simone Felice is obvi­ous­ly enthralled and inspired by the atmos­phere of the church and its grand beau­ty. So much so that towards the end of the set, he bounds off the stage to dance down the aisle, encour­ag­ing us to join in with the…

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Review: Green Note in Camden, folk music Monday and organic beer

  Organ­ic lager, a super-friend­­ly vibe and a Mad­ch­ester moment for folk music: these are the mem­o­ries of my evening at the Green Note in Cam­den. Find this bijou music bar/restaurant by head­ing up Park­way, away from the clam­our of Cam­den Mar­ket, just at the point where the ver­dant san­i­ty of Regent’s Park can be…

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Review: Letting our hair down at Bearded Theory 2013

Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val 2013: it’s the fes­ti­val of Beards, Bands and DJs, and that just about sums it up. Now in its sixth year, Beard­ed The­o­ry is set in pic­turesque Kedle­ston Hall, Der­byshire. With some­thing like around 8,000 rev­ellers it’s a nice size, and man­ages to feel like one big par­ty. Beard­ed The­o­ry’s line-up leans towards…

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Cool tracks: Orlando Seale and the Swell at St Pancras

Of all the train sta­tions in Lon­don to find your­self in with time to spare, St Pan­cras is the most pleas­ant. A few shops, wine bars, arti­san type food out­lets, and occa­sion­al announce­ments in French – and I dis­cov­ered Orlan­do Seale and the Swell were enter­tain­ing the crowds. There’s even more going on at the…

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Phildel: The Disappearance of the Girl at St Pancras Old Church

Phildel used her sur­round­ings of St Pan­cras Old Church to cre­ate a mixed media expe­ri­ence, instead of sim­ply per­form­ing her songs – this was an inspired move. This tiny church has a rich his­to­ry and amongst those buried in its church­yard are a vam­pire writer, a com­pos­er and a sculp­tor. It clings to the edge of the glitzy…

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Review: King Charles at 02 Empire Shepherds Bush

What a trans­for­ma­tion for the flam­boy­ant musi­cian King Charles. Last year I saw him per­form in a church in Hack­ney, where a polite crowd clus­tered round the stage, sup­ping wine and sway­ing gen­tly. A year on, and he’s head­lin­ing at Shep­herd’s Bush. The place seems rammed to the rafters with the most excit­ed crowd I’ve…

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Phildel: The Disappearance of the Girl

Phildel is more than a singer song­writer, she’s a mul­ti-tal­en­t­ed per­former whose artistry per­me­ates every aspect of her work. So I was keen to buy the phys­i­cal CD of The Dis­ap­pear­ance of the Girl and enjoy the art work and read the lyrics. Some­times I just think, damn those soul­less down­loads: music with­out its his­to­ry. For Phildel,…

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Mixing it up at Bush Hall: Phildel and Ali Warren Band

Bush Hall, with its its rich red vel­vet drapes, majes­tic chan­de­liers and upstairs bar with view­ing gallery is opu­lence in minia­ture. Such swag­ger for such a tiny place. This Sun­day eve is Mixel­la­neous Melodies, and true to its name, it’s a very ran­dom mix of artists who play to a relaxed week­end crowd. Ozzie band…

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Location, location: music for 2013 in unforgettable venues

From tiny, friend­ly gigs where you feel as if you’re in some­one’s liv­ing room, to the big, bold and out­landish, 2013 is all about state­ment venues. Here are a few to whet the appetite. 1. Feb­ru­ary 17: Bush Hall, Shep­herds Bush, west Lon­don. Only £5. A mel­low Sun­day evening under the chan­de­liers beck­ons at this…

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