Start count­ing off the days… yikes! It’s one month to go till Beard­ed The­o­ry kicks off fes­ti­val sea­son in majes­tic style. This year promis­es a range of artists and even a new stage. But I digress… craft beers, ales and ciders will all have a focus on local brew­eries. And new for this year is a tra­di­tion­al ale house to serve it all from, called The Cat­ton Fiddle.

It’s Beard­ed The­o­ry’s 14th year and hav­ing revealed an amaz­ing line­up, today they are unveil­ing their fan­tas­tic beer, ales and cider line­up. In line with its ded­i­ca­tion to the sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ty, many of the drinks come from local sources as near­by town Bur­ton is, of course, a famous brew­ing centre. 

The Cat­ton Fid­dle will serve a clas­sic ale by Bass, at 4.4% as well as Beard­ed The­o­ry sta­ple Thorn­bridge Brew­ery (try their Jaipur). Herefordshire’s West­ons and Warwickshire’s Puri­ty, spir­its and mix­ers – plus award-win­ning Big Drop low and alco­hol ‑free beers will also be avail­able. There are always plen­ty of food options too with lots of choice for kids.

Just in case you haven’t yet bought a tick­et, here’s a reminder of some of the fab acts to be appear­ing: Pre­tenders, Inter­pol, Pri­mal Scream, Gogol Bor­del­lo (they rocked the main stage last appear­ance), the inim­itable Gary Numan, Flog­ging Mol­ly and Echo & The Bun­ny­men. New­er names include Scalp­ing, Kid Kapichi, Anna Calvi, Beth Orton, Via­gra Boys, Yard Act and The Orielles, fresh from their recent tour.

If that looks like a lot of line­up, there will be a new stage called the Big Top Stage in order to pack all the acts in. And you can still vis­it the love­ly lit­tle Wood­land Stage, a ver­dant spot for a more rest­ful musi­cal expe­ri­ence. Oth­er stages are Maui Waui, Con­voy Cabaret, The Some­thing Else Tea Tent, and The Mag­ic Teapot. The won­der­ful, unique and excit­ing Mag­i­cal Sounds dance tent will of course be on site, pump­ing out glo­ri­ous dance tunes. Won­der what dec­o­ra­tions will fill the space this year?

Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val, dates 25–28th May 2023. For tick­ets click here
Web­site | Tick­ets | Face­book | Twit­ter |

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