Sinka release new single Skies

Alt-rock band SINKA release their new sin­gle Skies on 19th March, the sec­ond track from upcom­ing EP Take Me To The Skies which is released on April 16th. The Wat­­ford-based trio com­pris­es Shaun Sewell-Sears (vocals and gui­tar), Matt Smith (bass) and Jack Wright (drums). They released the first sin­gle ‘Mes­si­ah’  back in Feb­ru­ary. Hav­ing self-pro­­duced their…

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Busty and the Bass: new space grooves

Busty and the Bass met dur­ing their first week as stu­dents in the jazz pro­gramme at Mon­tre­al’s McGill Uni­ver­si­ty back in 2011. I first heard the octet when they released their 2020 album called Eddie, accom­pa­nied by the dis­tinc­tive­ly warm, raspy vocals of Macy Gray. And now there’s a new release – an ‘inter­galac­tic’ EP, The ET Suite via Arts…

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Tomaga: Intimate Immensity remix by Floating Points

The final, out­stand­ing release of the Lon­don based exper­i­men­tal duo Toma­ga will be unveiled on 26th March. Toma­ga – Tom Relleen and Valenti­na Mag­a­let­ti – worked togeth­er since 2013. This work titled Inti­mate Immen­si­ty was fin­ished just before Tom’s pass­ing in August 2020 and dis­tils two years of new cre­ative enhance­ment.  The tracks which have…

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Bad Thoughts Compilation: new single from Sara Wolff

From the moun­tains of Nor­way to Tox­teth, Liv­er­pool is not a usu­al path trod­den by artists but it cer­tain­ly indi­cates some­one with a dis­tinct­ly indi­vid­ual frame of mind.  Fledg­ling Liv­er­bird Sara Wolff had ini­tial­ly uproot­ed in order to study before adopt­ing the city as her home. The alt-folk singer uses her defin­i­tive­ly quirky and sin­gu­lar eye…

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The Besnard Lakes launch their redemptive new album

The Besnard Lakes don’t make things easy for them­selves, pub­lic­i­ty wise. The new album which launched on Jan­u­ary 2021, The Besnard Lakes are The Last of the Great Thun­der­storm Warn­ings isn’t a title that fits neat­ly into social media posts, as well they know. But the Cana­di­an out­fit don’t par­tic­u­lar­ly care – noth­ing is going…

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Lumer launch EP The Disappearing Act

There’s been a sur­feit of tal­ent­ed young bands com­ing out of York­shire’s towns and val­leys – such as Work­ing Men’s Club, The Lounge Soci­ety and Fehlt. And local venues such as The Trades in Heb­den Bridge, Bru­denell Social Club in Leeds, and Tod­mor­den’s Gold­en Lion have been instru­men­tal in sup­port­ing their bur­geon­ing tal­ent.  Lumer are…

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American hope: Hiss Golden Messenger ‘Sanctuary’

The song Sanc­tu­ary was writ­ten and record­ed with a mes­sage of hope; for­tu­nate­ly many of those prayers have just been answered, giv­ing its lyrics an added cel­e­bra­to­ry note.  North Car­oli­na folk band Hiss Gold­en Mes­sen­ger, with M.C. Tay­lor at the helm, has pro­duced a warm and beau­ti­ful slice of Amer­i­cana in this atmos­pher­i­cal­ly rich num­ber. Sanctuary…

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New single Atlantic by The Weather Station captures the mood

The Weath­er Sta­tion has released a new sin­gle and video called Atlantic, from forth­com­ing album Igno­rance (5th Feb­ru­ary on Fat Pos­sum).  The Weath­er Sta­tion is a project lead by Cana­di­an singer song­writer Tama­ra Lin­de­man. This lat­est work is intense­ly per­son­al (Tama­ra also direct­ed the video) and it cap­tures the present mood of uncer­tain­ty, with climate…

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Album Waves of Haste by Hjalte Ross makes its debut

The sim­ple and rather beau­ti­ful draw­ing on the cov­er of Waves of Haste offers a hint of what awaits lis­ten­ers of this new album by Dan­ish artist Hjalte Ross, his sec­ond so far. The illus­tra­tion by Kasper Eistrup is of the head of a young man – per­haps Hjalte him­self. He is lying on a…

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Ed Cosens shares new single The River

Ed Cosens has just released a video for The Riv­er, the sec­ond sin­gle from his debut solo album For­tunes Favour, here it is below. A long-time lynch­pin of the Sheffield music scene, best known as the gui­tarist and co-song­writer in Rev­erend & The Mak­ers, Ed wait­ed to make his solo debut until the time felt right. “It’s only tak­en 10…

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