For any­one strug­gling with insom­nia, this new song may help. Lul­la­by for the Wide Awake is writ­ten by vocal­ist Julia Lowe of folk out­fit, the Keston Cob­blers Club. She suf­fers from insom­nia her­self and the song was writ­ten to help those of us who find them­selves star­ing at the ceil­ing at 3am, turn­ing minor nig­gles into full-blown anxieties. 

Lul­la­by For The Wide Awake is pre­dictably sooth­ing and med­i­ta­tive, and comes with a calm­ing string arrange­ment and Juli­a’s reas­sur­ing, steady and gen­tle vocals. She is joined by her broth­er Matthew and the added force of brass in the track’s clos­ing moments. 

It is the fourth sin­gle from the band’s upcom­ing new album, Alche­my, out April 22nd – the theme of the album based on folk­lore from their home town. The Anthem of the Alchemist tells the sto­ry of an alchemist who turns basic met­als into gold, only to dis­cov­er when old­er that the trea­sures he sought were always with­in him. He finds an old mes­sage in a bot­tle buried beneath Keston Ponds and Caesar’s Well that he for­got he had writ­ten as a child. 

Keston Cob­blers have an upcom­ing UK tour, start­ing in Not­ting­ham on the 21st April with a Euro­pean tour is in the works, and a busy sum­mer of festivals. 

Keston Cob­blers Club con­sists of broth­er-sis­ter duo Matthew and Julia Lowe with school friends Tom Sweet and Har­ry Stasinopou­los (plus Daniel Slade on Tuba).  For those who are only just dis­cov­er­ing them, there are four pre­vi­ous albums to explore and two EPs. 

Lul­la­by For The Wide Awake is avail­able from 30th March via Absolute Label Ser­vices 
New album Alche­my is out April 22nd

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