The Belfast duo Dark Trop­ics describe their sound as pop noir. And if you check out their brand new sin­gle Moroc­can Sun and its accom­pa­ny­ing sum­mer-vibe filled video, you’ll get the mes­sage. There’s a sun­ny but very sul­try thing going on. Sum­mer mem­o­ries linger on… with touch­es of regret and sad­ness in the mix. Isn’t it ever the way?

This sec­ond release emerges from the steamy shad­ows of their debut sin­gle, Bad­lands, a heart­felt tale of anguish. By con­trast, Moroc­can Sun shifts into a more dance­able groove.

Drawn togeth­er by a bond that stretched via Ire­land to Moroc­co, Dark Trop­ics sees musi­cians Rio and Ger­ard com­ing togeth­er: they found com­mon ground in their love of Radio­head, Aretha Franklin and The Vel­vet Under­ground. The cou­ple felt they were des­tined to join forces and cre­ate music together.

Dark Trop­ic’s cre­ative vision has borne fruit with their own brand of time­less, cin­e­mat­ic pop-noir, pow­ered by ana­logue instru­ments and retro record­ing tech­niques. Moroc­can Sun is out now.


Pho­tog­ra­phy: Wrapped in Plastic

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