Green Man 2012

Into this post-Olympic, rain-drenched mid sumĀ­mer, the tenth Green Man fesĀ­tiĀ­val burst into life. NesĀ­tled in the Black MounĀ­tains of mid Wales, Green Manā€™s areĀ­na on FriĀ­day is a wonĀ­der to behold; still at this point a green and pleasĀ­ant land with its beauĀ­tiĀ­fulĀ­ly posiĀ­tioned main MounĀ­tain Stage ā€“ a natĀ­urĀ­al amphitheĀ­atre, with a conĀ­veĀ­nient steepā€¦

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Paloma Faith, love and cellulite

TuesĀ­day night was almost rain free ā€“ thatā€™s sayĀ­ing someĀ­thing for this washout of an EngĀ­lish sumĀ­mer which has so far plunged fesĀ­tiĀ­vals and outĀ­door events into a maelĀ­strom of mud and near bankĀ­ruptĀ­cy. So it was a pleasĀ­ant expeĀ­riĀ­ence to sit on dry paving stones in the courtĀ­yard of SomĀ­erĀ­set House, drinkĀ­ing a ubiquitousā€¦

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A new rising star called Nova Festival

    It was a long awaitĀ­ed moment, but here it is, Big Chill founder KatĀ­riĀ­na Larkin with co-proĀ­Ā­ducĀ­er VicĀ­toĀ­ria Burns new fesĀ­tiĀ­val for 2012, called Nova. Big Chill comĀ­bined a perĀ­fect blend of eleĀ­ments, planned with a meticĀ­uĀ­lous attenĀ­tion to detail that made the fesĀ­tiĀ­val such a pleaĀ­sure. EveryĀ­thing worked ā€“ the intelĀ­liĀ­gent mixā€¦

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Paradise Gardens festival at London Pleasure Gardens

Well this fesĀ­tiĀ­val sounds promisĀ­ing! One of my favourite bands, the mighty AlabaĀ­ma 3 are playĀ­ing at ParĀ­adise GarĀ­dens, a free LonĀ­don weekĀ­end famĀ­iĀ­ly fesĀ­tiĀ­val with lots of enterĀ­tainĀ­ment for all ages. Up till this year, ParĀ­adise GarĀ­dens FesĀ­tiĀ­val has takĀ­en place at leafy VicĀ­toĀ­ria Park in East LonĀ­don. This year, the fesĀ­tiĀ­val is theā€¦

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Folk fusion at the Boogaloo with Breton Girl

Took advanĀ­tage of a rare balmy evening this sumĀ­mer in LonĀ­don to mosey down to the BoogaĀ­loo near HighĀ­gate for an evening of musiĀ­cal fusion in a rather difĀ­ferĀ­ent style. Tonightā€™s listĀ­ing reads: ā€˜BreĀ­ton Girl, whose romanĀ­tic style is drawn from Celtic, Medieval and IndiĀ­an musicā€™. The BreĀ­ton Girl in quesĀ­tion is singer-songĀ­writer Wendy Lewis, elfin, barefoot,ā€¦

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Craig Finn, purveyor of tasty music and beer

I try to nevĀ­er miss seeĀ­ing the supĀ­port. Even if I check them out on YouTube and they donā€™t grab me, you just nevĀ­er realĀ­ly know. I would have paid to see The Hold Steady back in the day but hereā€™s Craig Finn, at The MacĀ­beth, HoxĀ­ton, supĀ­port for The Felice BrothĀ­ers. We startĀ­ed withā€¦

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Review: Field Day, Victoria Park 2012

  Iā€™ve been to a numĀ­ber of WireĀ­less and assortĀ­ed day fesĀ­tiĀ­vals in Hyde Park but genĀ­erĀ­alĀ­ly not been won over. PreĀ­fer to wanĀ­der around the areĀ­na knowĀ­ing my tent, a cup of tea and a snooze on a musty sleepĀ­ing bag are only a stroll away. But Field Day in east LonĀ­donā€™s VicĀ­toĀ­ria Park wasā€¦

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Mazzy Star ate my ears

The eluĀ­sive Mazzy Star have a new album release mid 2012, so the band are now out on the road, yay! The band played at Field Day fesĀ­tiĀ­val, at the same time as headĀ­linĀ­ers Franz FerĀ­diĀ­nand on the Eat Your Own Ears main stage. Mazzy played at the VilĀ­lage MenĀ­talĀ­iĀ­ty tent, and the awaitĀ­ing crowdā€¦

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