Here at Gourmet Gigs we’ve been stead­fast fans of Man­ches­ter out­fit Syl­vette. It start­ed with a ‘love at first lis­ten’ moment, when the star­tling and orig­i­nal sin­gle Kelpius was unveiled on Chris Hawkins’ morn­ing show on BBC 6 music.

The band have pro­duced three stu­dio albums and recent­ly com­plet­ed a sold-out mini tour held in small church­es. And now comes the release of their new, long-await­ed next work, called Sin­gle Thread. From the del­i­cate gui­tar open­ing notes to Char­lie Sin­clair’s vocals, this track is heavy with pas­sion and dis­plays Syl­vette’s trade­mark height­ened sense of dra­ma. Sin­gle Thread also reveals extreme­ly per­son­al lyrics; Char­lie describes the cat­a­lyst for the work, and reveals why it con­tains such a high lev­el of emo­tion beneath its surface. 

I start­ed writ­ing ‘Sin­gle Thread’ in lock­down when I was a full time car­er for my dis­abled and ter­mi­nal­ly ill father. I found after six months of not see­ing any­one else or hav­ing any respite from the sit­u­a­tion that I began hav­ing sleep­less nights and obses­sive thoughts in a way that I have nev­er expe­ri­ence and ini­tial­ly the song came about as a method of self-soothing. 

He adds that “although the song came from a very dark place we’ve found there has been some­thing life affirm­ing and pos­i­tive about turn­ing pain into some­thing beau­ti­ful that will hope­ful­ly con­nect to our audience.”

Syl­vette’s work is cap­ti­vat­ing and best expe­ri­enced in a moment of calm, when time allows you to just sit and be still. This absorb­ing and per­son­al track fol­lows this same path and is a beau­ti­ful and reward­ing listen.

Syl­vette new release Sin­gle Thread: out now

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