Shirley Baker: On the Beach exhibition

On the Beach is a new exhi­bi­tion of less­er-seen work by Shirley Bak­er, held at Photo­fu­sion Pho­tog­ra­phy Cen­tre, Brix­ton from 12th May to 16th June. The pri­vate view was a huge suc­cess and cura­tor Anna Dou­glas gave a fas­ci­nat­ing gallery talk. In a depar­ture from her more well-known pho­tos of 1960s Man­ches­ter and Sal­ford, as seen at…

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The best French band right now: no, not Daft Punk. It’s Chinese Man

There’s a trip-hop Dix­ieland jazz-lov­ing col­lec­tive based in Mar­seilles in the south of France who I have been a big fan of for the past cou­ple of years. Some­what elu­sive and under the radar in the UK, the intrigu­ing posse go by the name of Chi­nese Man. So who are they? To quote from their website:…

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