Best festival guide for 2024

Sum­mer is breath­ing its last, and we’re near­ly at the end of out­door fes­ti­val sea­son. We’re com­pil­ing our autumn and win­ter fes­ti­val guide to pro­vide inspi­ra­tion and joy dur­ing the cold­er months.  Mucky Week­ender 5–7 Sep­tem­ber Tak­ing place at ‘Vic­arage Farm’, Win­ches­ter, Mucky Week­ender’s fifth edi­tion fea­tures five music stages with dub, ska, reg­gae, jungle,…

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Festivals through summer and beyond

Fes­ti­val sea­son has moved into high gear. Sev­er­al have sold out (Green Man, Kendal Call­ing and Beau­ti­ful Days to name just three – and Ral­ly is close to sell­ing out) but there’s still over­all plen­ty of choice. Our list includes sev­er­al met­ro­pol­i­tan (non camp­ing) shindigs too, right into Sep­tem­ber. If you’re des­per­ate to attend a…

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London day festivals happening this summer

It’s not been an easy sum­mer for fes­ti­vals, and each week brings fur­ther can­cel­la­tions. The good news is that a sur­feit of one-day music events is hap­pen­ing in Lon­don’s var­i­ous green spaces. Most fes­ti­vals have reached their final tick­et release, so if you’ve got your eye on some­thing, best snap those tick­ets up with­out fur­ther ado.…

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Ealing Blues Festival 2019: Nick Lowe

Eal­ing Blues fes­ti­val was giv­en the thumbs up – and it man­aged to escape the rain. I was unable to go as I was at Blue­dot fes­ti­val (review to come) but I was sent these pho­tos by a big Nick Lowe fan. He played an engag­ing acoustic set, and left his fans absolute­ly delight­ed. Here…

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The lineup: 12 best festivals for 2019

Ooh fes­ti­val sea­son! The thought of it fills me (and so many of you out there, obvi­ous­ly) with joy. The sheer diver­si­ty of the UK fes­ti­val scene means you can tru­ly immerse your­self in music, dance, talks, lit­er­a­ture, art, nature… there’s bound to be a few which will tick all your per­son­al box­es. Here’s my…

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The best of festivals for 2017

Rejoice – fes­ti­val sea­son is just around the cor­ner. So what’s in store for 2017? There’s def­i­nite­ly a trend towards offer­ing debates, talks and work­shops. And kids are well catered for with high qual­i­ty and orig­i­nal learn­ing activ­i­ties, take Bluedot’s Plan­e­tar­i­um and Beard­ed The­o­ry’s OFSTED approved school. But hey, let’s not get too seri­ous about it all. Fes­ti­vals pri­mar­i­ly still…

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Green and pleasant: the ultimate festival guide 2016

If you’re a fes­ti­val fan, by now you’re dream­ing of a green field, ban­ners wav­ing in the breeze, the sound of a band on the main stage… yes, fes­ti­val sea­son is near­ly upon us again, and here is my Ulti­mate Fes­ti­val Guide. Most have been per­son­al­ly tried and test­ed, some on a year­ly basis – plus there’s…

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Review: Ealing Blues Festival 2015

  With a rare glimpse of sun in a gloomy July, we head­ed to Eal­ing Blues Fes­ti­val held in Wal­pole Park, it’s one of a series of sum­mer fes­ti­vals run every year put on by Eal­ing Coun­cil. The event always resem­bles a ‘prop­er’ fes­ti­val in minia­ture, with a choice of two big music tents – the Main Stage,…

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Ealing Jazz Festival 2014

Eal­ing and its jazz and blues fes­ti­vals have been a sum­mer­time fix­ture over the years at beau­ti­ful Wal­pole Park. I’ve attend­ed the last two Blues fes­ti­vals (read Eal­ing Blues 2013) but this time round we rolled up for the final Jazz day. I won­der if the organ­is­ers have a pact with the weath­er gods? Each time I’ve been to…

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The best festivals for 2014 – an update

Here’s an update of some of my top fes­ti­val rec­om­mends for 2014 and as of the time of post­ing, still have tick­ets avail­able. These are all small to medi­um-sized gath­er­ings (no hour-long trudges to the are­na). All these fes­ti­vals have plen­ty of well thought-out activ­i­ties for chil­dren and a fair­ly broad age range of atten­dance, so whether…

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