Forwards new headliners Underworld; The Rising Festival adds accommodation

We’re adding some wel­come fes­ti­val news updates… For­wards Bris­tol There’s a new head­lin­er at Bris­tol’s For­wards fes­ti­val. FORWARDS has revealed that UNDERWORLD has been added to the Sun­day bill for the 2024 fes­ti­val line­up fol­low­ing their inter­na­tion­al tour. This will be UNDERWORLD’s only Bris­tol per­for­mance for 2024. A replace­ment for Mari­bou State is soon to be announced…

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Bluedot 2023 review

When you’re on the way to Blue­dot, that first glimpse of the Lovell tele­scope is always a ‘wow’, moment. There it stands, on the Cheshire plain, com­muning with the plan­ets and deep space. Our con­duit to the stars and beyond. No won­der that Blue­dot, the fes­ti­val that has grown up around this beau­ti­ful struc­ture has…

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Bluedot 2023 photo gallery Saturday & Sunday

On Sat­ur­day and Sun­day: HENGE, Space Parade, Pic­tish Trail, Tinari­wen, TVAM, Mary in the Junk­yard, Dry Clean­ing. Mag­gie Aderin-Pocock gave a talk at Mis­sion Con­trol. Chris Hawkins with his wife Clare Nasir inter­viewed pho­tog­ra­ph­er Max Alexan­der and talked about near-space sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Music: Tele­man, Lava La Rue, Nihilox­i­ca, Young Fathers and Grace Jones Click here for photos…

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Bearded Theory photo gallery Sunday

Lots going on all after­noon with The Under­tones, High Vis, HENGE, Love­ly Eggs, Pre­tenders, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs and for the finale were Pub­lic Ser­vice Broad­cast­ing over at the Mead­ow Stage and Pri­mal Scream. Over on the Wood­land Stage were Rho­da Dakar & The LoTek Four. And there was lots hap­pen­ing in…

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HENGE invite you to ‘Get A Wriggle On’ – new track with a message

Who bet­ter to high­light the mess humankind are mak­ing of our earth­ly home than those inter­plan­e­tary ravers known as HENGE. The mul­ti-genre band (let’s call it a mix of psy­che­del­ic-prog-rock-elec­tron­i­­ca) has a new sin­gle out called Get A Wrig­gle On, and it’s an absolute joy. It comes with a strong eco mes­sage, beau­ti­ful­ly por­trayed in…

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New HENGE album ExoKosm

The new album by psy­che­del­ic rock­ers HENGE titled ExoKosm is unleashed upon the plan­et today. ExoKosm is, like the band’s first album, an explo­ration into the extra-ter­res­tri­al, sacred son­ic art­form that HENGE call ‘Cos­mic Dross’.  Fea­tur­ing sev­en new tracks, ExoKosm includes HENGE’s recen­t­­ly-released sin­gles Get Out­ta Ma House and New Plan­et, plus their first sin­gle, Exo. Side A opens…

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HENGE release Exo, first single from album ExoKosm

Atten­tion Earth! A brand new sin­gle beams down today cour­tesy of HENGE. Exo is the first and title track from the space rock­ers up and com­ing new album ExoKosm. HENGE’s new release Exo is a fur­ther explo­ration of the band’s Cos­mic Dross sound – a psy­che­del­ic prog rock mix with dance and elec­tron­ic ele­ments thrown…

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Review: Bluedot 2019: a space celebration

If the sci­en­tists at Jodrell Bank could put their col­lec­tive heads togeth­er, it would be per­fect if they could find a way of tele­port­ing us back to the fields of Blue­dot in order to do the fes­ti­val all over again. That way it might be pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence the stuff you’d missed first time round.…

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