Van Morrison for Wickham Festival 2020

Wick­ham Fes­ti­val does­n’t do things by halves. The line­up of the friend­ly, small 4‑day event has con­sis­tent­ly aimed for the top, and this year has man­aged to secure Van Mor­ri­son for its Sat­ur­day head­lin­er. Van’s the Wick­ham man Organ­is­er Peter Cheg­wyn said: “This is absolute­ly mas­sive for us – and for the vil­lage. It will…

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Wickham festival near sell-out

If you’re think­ing of head­ing to Wick­ham fes­ti­val, bet­ter get your skates on. The strongest line­up ever has seen a surge in sales. Not sur­pris­ing when their head­lin­ers include Frank Turn­er and the Sleep­ing Souls, Lucin­da Williams, The Pro­claimers, Judy Collins, Gra­ham Nash and Kiefer Suther­land. This is a real fam­i­ly fes­ti­val but with an…

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The lineup: 12 best festivals for 2019

Ooh fes­ti­val sea­son! The thought of it fills me (and so many of you out there, obvi­ous­ly) with joy. The sheer diver­si­ty of the UK fes­ti­val scene means you can tru­ly immerse your­self in music, dance, talks, lit­er­a­ture, art, nature… there’s bound to be a few which will tick all your per­son­al box­es. Here’s my…

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