Metron­o­my, The Comet is Com­ing, Stew­art Lee and Bag­puss are all con­firmed for Sea Change 2019.

The Totnes-based event, found­ed by Tot­nes’s Drift Record Shop, has moved from its for­mer end-of-sum­mer posi­tion to May Bank Hol­i­day. The Qui­etus presents Gazelle Twin, with full line-up to fol­low. Han­nah Peel and Will Burns, and Dutch 4‑piece Pip Blom are also appearing.

Metron­o­my is the Fri­day night head­lin­er, and their appear­ance is at Dart­ing­ton Hall Gar­dens. They are cur­rent­ly cel­e­brat­ing the 10th anniver­sary of their Nights Out album. Joe Mount is a big sup­port­er of the fes­ti­val, and he played a sur­prise DJ set at the first Sea Change. It is ful­fill­ing a huge ambi­tion of the fes­ti­val crew to have Metron­o­my head­lin­ing. Sat­ur­day night goes psy­che­del­ic and jazzy with The Comet is Com­ing, star­ring sax­o­phon­ist Shaba­ka Hutchings.

Totnes - sea change
Pho­to: Jay Bing

Anoth­er 2018 project was Earth Record­ing’s Bag­puss sound­track reis­sue, declared by Drift as sound­track release of the year! Venues are all cen­tred around Totnes and are an eclec­tic col­lec­tion – a ball­room, a civic hall and the restored Vic­to­ri­an cin­e­ma – and Han­nah Peel and Will Burns will per­form at the beau­ti­ful 15th cen­tu­ry St Mary’s Church. There will be plen­ty of pan­el talks, films, spe­cial events and music guests at the now 3‑day event.

Sea Change Fes­ti­val takes place on Fri­day 24th to Sun­day 26th May. Dart­ing­ton Hall estate again will host sev­er­al artists.

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