Indie folk singer Hazlett unveils new single Shiver

Indie-folk musi­cian Hazlett has just released his lat­est sin­gle called Shiv­er, tak­en from his upcom­ing EP, out 4th Octo­ber. This com­pletes his Good­bye to the Val­ley Low project. Shiv­er imme­di­ate­ly puts you into a con­tem­pla­tive and rest­ful head­space. Hazlet­t’s vocal style is wist­ful and steady, at times almost whis­pery, but there’s a strong emo­tive pull. The…

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“Dance We Do” single release by Annie Dressner

Annie Dress­ner unveiled her lat­est sin­gle Dance We Do on Jan­u­ary 12th. She has simul­ta­ne­ous­ly announced her upcom­ing album, “I Thought It Would be Eas­i­er,” slat­ed for release on April 5th via Dhar­ma Records. Dance We Do delves into the com­plex­i­ties of try­ing to gauge a par­tic­u­lar love inter­est’s feel­ings; the song dwells on Annie’s…

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Magnetic Skies reveal new single Fading Lights

There’s a new Mag­net­ic Skies sin­gle just released, called Fad­ing Lights, released 1st Sep­tem­ber. As we’ve come to expect from their pre­vi­ous out­put, the track is drip­ping with atmos­phere and dra­ma. There’s the moody, dri­ving Joy Divi­­sion-style bass thrum to open, which dri­ves the song through to its com­ple­tion. The emo­tive vocals rise over the…

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Beans on Toast ode to Todmorden: The Golden Lion

Beans on Toast has just released a track called The Gold­en Lion from his upcom­ing stu­dio album The Tooth­paste and The Tube, due for release on Decem­ber 1st. I’m sure you don’t want to start think­ing about Christ­mas dur­ing this late sum­mer heat­wave but this could be the per­fect present for some lucky soul on…

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Hot Chip: Fire of Mercy new single feat Yune Pinku

Hot Chip have sure­ly reached nation­al trea­sure sta­tus. The band’s work always has a embrac­ing, uplift­ing qual­i­ty to it, and live they’re exhil­a­rat­ing. As sum­mer gets an uplift weath­­er-wise, it seems like a good time to release this euphor­ic new track fea­tur­ing Malaysian-Irish pro­duc­er and song­writer Yunè Pinku. The new sin­gle is called Fire of Mer­cy. Alexis…

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Synth maestro Modema releases celestial pop track

She is a famil­iar face to any­one who’s seen The Orielles live over the past cou­ple of years… and now Emi­ly Zukows­ki, aka Mode­ma, has stepped for­ward and released a track of her own.  Unsur­pris­ing­ly, Emi­ly has also been work­ing on her own mate­r­i­al, some­thing she’s been busy with for years, and Run­ning Back is her…

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Magnetic Skies release new single “Suffocate”

Mag­net­ic Skies came to our atten­tion with enig­mat­ic sin­gle You Shine On in Feb­ru­ary; now the band have unveiled a new sin­gle called Suf­fo­cate on ReprinT Records. Rem­i­nis­cent of Depeche Mode, Suf­fo­cate is “an intense and pow­er­ful glimpse into a world of despair as a rela­tion­ship comes crash­ing down at an unre­lent­ing pace.”  This beau­ti­­ful­­ly-craft­ed num­ber immediately…

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Nadine Khouri spring tour and new single

in 2015 Nadine Khouri played at a fes­ti­val local to me called The End. I wrote: “Khouri’s com­po­si­tions are beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed, sophis­ti­cat­ed and pre­cise, over­laid with her soft, smokey vocals.”  Those vocals and her abil­i­ty to cre­ate haunt­ing com­po­si­tions can be heard on new sin­gle “Song of A Caged Bird”, out now. Nadine’s steady and…

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HENGE invite you to ‘Get A Wriggle On’ – new track with a message

Who bet­ter to high­light the mess humankind are mak­ing of our earth­ly home than those inter­plan­e­tary ravers known as HENGE. The mul­ti-genre band (let’s call it a mix of psy­che­del­ic-prog-rock-elec­tron­i­­ca) has a new sin­gle out called Get A Wrig­gle On, and it’s an absolute joy. It comes with a strong eco mes­sage, beau­ti­ful­ly por­trayed in…

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White Tea from a Vending Machine: new single by David A Jaycock

This is an enig­mat­ic work from the Cor­nish synth mas­ter, from HOLD. STAR. RETURN, his up and com­ing album. White Tea from a Vend­ing Machine is the sec­ond sin­gle; it opens with a woozy gen­tle­ness that envelops you and sinks you into a com­fort­ing space with its sim­ple retro-synth sound and lay­ered soft vocals.  White…

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