More news for Sea Change fes­ti­val. Tim Burgess, The Char­la­tans front-man, best-sell­ing author and lis­ten­ing par­ty lock­down sav­iour, will play the Sat­ur­day night head­line slot. Also added to the line up are Por­ridge Radio, Ethio-jazz mae­stro Hailu Mer­gia; the mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist and found­ing mem­ber and key­boardist for the great polyrhyth­mic funk group Walias Band.

Stu­dio Elec­tro­phonique is the solo musi­cal ven­ture of James Leesley, whose roman­tic, min­i­mal­ist, deter­mined­ly ana­logue songs will form an inti­mate set at the beau­ti­ful Totnes Cin­e­ma; and for­mer Goat Girl mem­ber, Naima Bock, whose Sub Pop debut will arrive soon, will per­form at the Civic Hall.

Rough Trade Books, have also announced their first guests for Sea Change. Bring­ing ‘Print­ed Mat­ter for the Counter-Cul­ture’ will be Wendy Ersk­ine, Roy, Musa Okwon­ga, Haseeb Iqbal, 4 BROWN GIRLS WHO WRITE, Ella Frears, Flash­back fea­tur­ing Jamie Hol­man, Alex Zawaz­ki & Fer­gal Kin­ney, Sheena Patel, Will Burns and Emma Warren.

Author Adelle Stripe, who co-wrote the Ten Thou­sand Apolo­gies Fat White Fam­i­ly music biog­ra­phy with Lias Saou­di, will be in con­ver­sa­tion, as will jour­nal­ist, broad­cast­er, ador­er of music and fel­low White Rab­bit Books sta­ble mate Jude Rogers, whose first book, The Sound of Being Human, arrives in May.

Totnes Cin­e­ma is the venue for the mys­te­ri­ous Stone Club, a screen­ing of Mark Jen­ki acclaimed Bronco’s House (the film that direct­ly pre­cedes the direc­tor’s award-win­ning Bait) and a spe­cial intro­duc­tion from Mark Jenkin and pro­duc­er Den­zil Monk; a live set from acclaimed musi­cian, com­pos­er and actor Simon Fish­er Turn­er; DJ sets from MOOF mag­a­zine, Heav­en­ly Juke­box, Justin Robert­son and Richard Nor­ris; ses­sions with cura­tor Kirsteen McNish and broad­cast­er Eliz­a­beth Alk­er; Heav­en­ly Films will present a brand new 2K restora­tion of Flow­ered Up’s sem­i­nal Week­ender, fol­lowed by a pre­miere of I Am Week­ender, a doc­u­men­tary about the film and its endur­ing influ­ence; film­mak­ers WIZ and Chloé Raunet, along with Heav­en­ly founder Jeff Bar­rett, will dis­cuss what The Chem­i­cal Broth­ers termed ‘the orig­i­nal Acid House odyssey’.

Both week­end tick­ets and bun­dles – to include the Chilly Gon­za­les show – are on sale now via

Sea Change tick­ets are sold via Cit­i­zen Tick­et. For every tick­et pur­chased, 5p goes towards plant­i­ng trees in the UK. This way, hun­dreds of years after an event has fin­ished, its lega­cy will still live on, absorb­ing CO² and help­ing local wildlife to flour­ish.

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