Green and pleasant: festivals for 2014

Dust down the sleep­ing bags and camp­ing stove, the start of fes­ti­val sea­son is only a cou­ple of months away. These days, music fes­ti­vals are work­ing hard­er to attract a fol­low­ing, offer­ing debat­ing ses­sions and work­shops, ban­quets and bal­loon­ing, hop­ing to carve out a unique and iden­ti­fi­able image from a sea of for­mu­la­ic events. Here…

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Review: The See See – psychedelia with attitude at The Lexington

The See See were part of a swirly psy­che­delia night at The Lex­ing­ton on Pen­tonville Road two years ago, and they par­tic­u­lar­ly caught my atten­tion. (Also mem­o­rable were Cana­di­an band Ele­phant Stone whose music is enriched with Rishi Dhir’s mes­meris­ing sitar play­ing). Fast for­ward two years and we were back at The Lex­ing­ton last week for The…

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Vinyl memories released: tell your Stylus Story at Earl Haig Hall

The intro of a song is all that’s need­ed for spe­cial mem­o­ries to come flood­ing back. Just a bar or two and you find your­self cat­a­pult­ed back to a par­tic­u­lar moment in time: whether fun­ny or joy­ful, roman­tic or melan­cholic, it’s the music that will take you there. Many of us pos­sess some of our favourites as…

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Review: Courtney Barnett at ACE hotel, Shoreditch

The Aussie-accen­t­ed, coun­try-tinged tones of Court­ney Bar­net­t’s songs have been float­ing over the Radio 6 music air­waves of late. Last Thurs­day was her sec­ond Lon­don appear­ance, this time at Ace Hotel, Shored­itch. Court­ney takes keeps things min­i­mal, walk­ing on stage to plug all the leads in before she’s joined by her bass play­er and drum­mer. With no…

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The Earl Haig Hall revival in Crouch End: music and more

UPDATE 2019: Earl Haig Hall has now closed. Antic sold it on, it is now board­ed up and its future is under review. Lat­est plans are for the build­ing to become a chil­dren’s nurs­ery. I will keep this post here as a mem­o­ry of what was a much-need­ed and loved com­mu­ni­ty bar/restaurant and venue for…

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Focus on folk music: Pete Seeger; Inside Llewyn Davis

There is a cer­tain poignan­cy to the death this week of the great folk hero Pete Seeger, the singer and song­writer of protest songs who helped define the folk music land­scape of the last cen­tu­ry. There are sev­er­al of his com­po­si­tions that I remem­ber from my child­hood and they feel like tra­di­tion­al songs passed down through…

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The best French band right now: no, not Daft Punk. It’s Chinese Man

There’s a trip-hop Dix­ieland jazz-lov­ing col­lec­tive based in Mar­seilles in the south of France who I have been a big fan of for the past cou­ple of years. Some­what elu­sive and under the radar in the UK, the intrigu­ing posse go by the name of Chi­nese Man. So who are they? To quote from their website:…

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The Orb 25th Anniversary, The Trades Hebden Bridge

The Trades in Heb­den Bridge I decid­ed would be the right place to expe­ri­ence The Orb for their 25th Anniver­sary Show. It felt appro­pri­ate to be some­where inti­mate and imme­di­ate, friend­ly and just a bit off the wall. The Orb are sched­uled to play near me at The Forum in Ken­tish Town, which is a…

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Review: 3 Daft Monkeys at the Half Moon, Putney

While some peo­ple play air gui­tar, I con­fess to air vio­lin moments. Ide­al mate­r­i­al for this innocu­ous pas­time: The Lev­ellers, Peat­bog Faeries, and Cor­nish trio 3 Daft Mon­keys. I first dis­cov­ered them at Tow­ersey in 2011, fol­lowed by an autumn gig at the Half Moon pub in Put­ney. And here they are back again, two…

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Review: Crosby, Stills and Nash play Manchester Arena 2013

There’s a feel­ing of warmth and unmis­tak­able pride here in Man­ches­ter as we await Cros­by, Stills and Nash to make their entrance. For Gra­ham Nash, it’s his home­com­ing gig – the Black­­pool-born, Sal­­ford-raised kid who helped cre­ate hip­py his­to­ry. Car­ry On is the open­er, and it’s those dis­tinc­tive, urgent vocals of Steve Stills, ris­ing and breaking…

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