Deux Furieuses new single All We Need is Sanctuary

All We Need is Sanc­tu­ary is the new sin­gle by Lon­­don-based duo Deux Furieuses just released. Deux Furieuses com­pris­es Scot­tish vocal­ist and gui­tarist Ros Cair­ney and drum­mer Vas Anto­ni­adou.  The duo have carved out a name for them­selves with their polit­i­cal­ly charged mate­r­i­al and uncom­pro­mis­ing atti­tude but All We Need is Sanc­tu­ary has a wistful,…

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The Besnard Lakes unveil She’s An Icicle

Just a few tan­ta­lis­ing weeks ahead of their tour, which includes dates in the UK, The Besnard Lakes have released a sin­gle called She’s An Ici­cle. This new track is in keep­ing with the feel and atmos­phere of their last, tri­umphant album The Besnard Lakes Are The Last Of The Thun­der­storm Warn­ings, released in early…

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Frazey Ford celebrates UK tour with new track ‘Saul’

Frazey Ford now to appear at Green Man fes­ti­val 2022. Flut­tery, frag­ile yet with a qui­et pow­er, when Frazey Ford starts to sing, the vocals that emerge are some­thing dis­tinct and unique. The Van­cou­ver artist sings right from the soul, her voice elo­quent­ly express­ing and encom­pass­ing all the emo­tions of a life that has not been…

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Interview with singer songwriter Richard Walters

With five crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed albums and four EPs to his name since 2007, singer song­writer Richard Wal­ters is noth­ing if not pro­lif­ic. And now the solo artist is on the cusp of releas­ing a dig­i­tal sin­gle called The Man I Loved from his upcom­ing EP in Jan­u­ary 2022. There are fur­ther strings to his bow:…

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The Weather Station announce European tour

One of this year’s most riv­et­ing and orig­i­nal albums is The Weath­er Sta­tion’s Igno­rance. The project with Tama­ra Lin­de­man at the helm has cre­at­ed a dev­as­tat­ing and per­son­al nar­ra­tive about cli­mate change.  Gourmet Gigs reviewed the dra­mat­ic sin­gle Atlantic: “it is a star­tling, unusu­al and brood­ing work, ele­gant­ly arranged with a lush expan­sive­ness yet suffused…

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Roachford back with rescheduled tour dates

NOTE: Tour dates are being can­celled and resched­uled. We will post an updat­ed tour date list on here when we have the cor­rect dates. Roach­ford is back with tour dates for 2021. His strong, emo­tion­al and soul-drenched sin­gle called High On Love was released in 2020, the first song on the new album Twice in…

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W H Lung, debut album at Oslo, Hackney

W H Lung have tak­en around two years to release their first album Inci­den­tal Music. Even when inter­est in their deep and moody music start­ed to esca­late, the band were quite obvi­ous­ly going to do things in their own time. I first heard them at Blue­dot fes­ti­val in 2017 and had one of those moments…

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Robin Trower album and tour

Good to hear there’s no stop­ping for Robin Trow­er, who just released a new stu­dio album enti­tled Where You Are Going To, by Man­haton Records.  Trow­er was a mem­ber of Pro­col Harum in the 60s, and became known for his ‘soft psy­che­delia’. The leg­endary  blues rock gui­tarist and singer-song­writer is also going to be head­ing out on…

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Field Music – The Noisy Days are starting

Field Music have stayed some­what under the radar despite sev­er­al com­mend­able albums, but they are about to head out on tour and they appeared at the Radio 6 music fes­ti­val in Bris­tol. There are a few fes­ti­val dates lined up too so the band are get­ting lots of expo­sure.  Here’s my review of their gig in Jan­u­ary. Here’s  The…

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